Energy Performance Certificate (Scotland)

Commercial EPC's for Scotland

All new buildings constructed after 1 May 2007 and all existing commercial buildings being sold or rented after 1 December 2008 are required by law to have an Energy Performance Certificate.

This Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is similar to those that are now provided with household electrical goods, such as fridges and washing machines, and is intended to provide the purchaser or the tennant with a better understanding of the energy efficieny of the building and therefore the anticipated future energy costs. It is also hoped that this will legislation will act as an incentive for owners and developers to invest more in energy efficient buildings.

Brian is certified and registered with BRE Global for the production of Commercial (Non-Domestic) EPC's in Scotland. As an independent consultant he is able to produce these EPC's in a cost effective manner and in a timescale to suit your requirements. Please see his Customer Testimonials for more information.

If you would like to discuss your requirements please feel free to call me on 01360 551269 or 07789 277682. Alternatively if you would like me to call you back please contact me.

If the static nature of the EPC does not meet your energy management requirements you may wish to consider METERology Real Time Energy Monitoring. This is a software solution for real time energy management that goes beyond the static nature of an EPC by displaying your actual energy usage in real time. 

The latest information on the law in Scotland can be accessed on the Scottish Building Standards website at